November 11th, 2015 Astrology & Energy: New Moon in Scorpio

November 11, 2015 Astrology & Energy: New Moon in Scorpio

It’s a new moon in Scorpio tonight!  Both the sun and moon are paired in this sign, creating deep waters of healing through which we must swim.  Emotions can run high and intense, but they can also lead to deep transformation if you are willing to look your shadow self in the eye. Related to darkness and mystery, Scorpio fills us with the desire to seek and know the truth, yet we often fear what we will find.   To feel intensely without being ruled by those emotions is the balance that we seek under Scorpio’s influence.  The challenge is to—when a fear comes up—walk straight towards it rather than flee.  If we can embrace the fear, even just to witness it and say “I am feeling afraid right now”, we are more likely to make wise choices in how to deal with the troubling source.

It’s a great time to delve into your own personal underworld even if it doesn’t come up in a clear external way.  You can embark on your shadow journey by asking (and honestly answering): What have you been holding on to?  What have you been running from?  What is it you really need, at the core of your soul? Awareness is the first step and enables a powerful shift to occur.

If something stressful comes up from outside of yourself, try not to fight against what is not under your control, and turn your attention back inward.  How do you physically feel when gripped by emotion? Where do you feel it in your body?  What do you feel compelled to do when you feel these uncomfortable things? How do you usually deal and why?

The sun and moon are lining up harmoniously with Neptune (which allows deep access to and within dreams), Chiron (allowing us to see our deepest wounds), and Jupiter (which expands our psychic visions).  All of these support doing deep personal work, and encourage transformation.

A new moon is always an ideal time to plant new seeds, preparing something positive to grow.  This lunation in Scorpio calls for these seeds to be planted deep enough that they can grow strong roots, requiring digging down in the dark to do it.  If you just skim the surface, the seeds will have have nothing to hold on to and you’ll have to try again another time to get those intentions to stick!  So dig deep and don’t look away; you have stores of untapped strength and wisdom waiting to be unearthed.

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